FabOptions Sample

by Joaquim Ley

Libraries & Demo


FabOptions: A multi-functional FAB component, with customizable options

Original concept by Praveen Bisht posted on MaterialUp, design turned into code, into open source library.- Add your custom buttons via menu file- Bind via XML custom attribute- Bind via JavaMore info: http://joaquimley.com/FabOptions/Github:https://github.com/JoaquimLey/FabOptions- Changed the sample icon- Ability to manually open and close the component- Set color through resolved color- Exposed two new methods open/close and renamed the internal implementation to expand/collapse respectively, when the consumer opens or closes the component there is an exposed listener which triggers the respective callback to when the animation ends.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

amazing but buttons are very small, lil bit hard to touch


Beautiful and helpful

Musthaq Ahamad